Kerbal Space Program RLA Stockalike 2025 download
Kerbal Space Program mod RLA Stockalike

RLA Stockalike

Game Version: 1.1
Total Downloads: 8,060
Updated: Apr 25, 2016
Created: Dec 19, 2015

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
RLA Stockalike release 6.97 MB Apr 25, 2016 1.1 4,783 download RLA Stockalike RLA Stockalike releaseDownload
RLA Stockalike release 6.96 MB Dec 20, 2015 1.0.5 3,221 download RLA Stockalike RLA Stockalike releaseDownload


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Parts to fill stock niches, including 0.625m LFO engines and tanks, a full suite of monopropellant engines ranging from 2.5m to sub-0.625m, brand new 0.625m SRBs, 0.625m high efficiency engines using LiquidFuel, Monopropellant or Xenon, a number of new probe cores with varied specialisations and shapes, more ways to produce electricity, a range of RCS blocks both large and small, and structural parts to glue it all together with.


To see what parts this pack contains, check out this imgur album.


Please see the the thread on the official forums for more information and discussion, and to leave feedback (I'm more likely to see it there).


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